What Can Smart Boards Do For Your Classroom?

Smartboards have all kinds of potential. They're easy to use, gentle on the environment (and on any school's budget), and great for encouraging creativity--but what does that look like in practice? Let's see what smart boards can do for your classroom!

Why Choose a SmartBoard?

All kinds of office products make their home in a school or classroom, adapting standard business practices like efficiency, productivity, and creativity to fit the education world. These days, though, it's not just about printers and copiers. Schools are finding brand-new ways to make use of innovative, exciting technology--and smart boards are only one example.

Thinking of Switching Vendors and still under an active lease? Do you think it sounds like a great idea to save money?

Here are a few things to consider that your new vendor may not be telling you:

Contract Language:

Most contracts do not allow a cancellation or early payoff.  Be sure you understand your terms and conditions of your current contract.  You may be causing yourself to be in breach of your contract terms.

Early Payoff:

Most lease contracts do not allow an early payoff or payments from another source than the contracted lessee.  Know what is considered “end of term” before obligating yourself to another contract, you could be making two payments and holding or storing equipment you had not intended to.

Payments made?

You may think you have made all contractual payments and be done.  That may not be the case.  Property tax and any other miscellaneous charges may still be due.  These can accrue late fees if not paid.

How to Conduct an Effective Virtual Meeting

4.7 million people work from home in the United States [source]. The need for collaboration and meeting with co-workers does not go away when people transition to working from home, so it is no surprise that products like Zoom Meeting have realized huge growth.

The recent Coronavirus spread is creating challenges for sales teams that did not need to make this transition to meeting virtually until now. One can only think that the number of people that work from home will be drastically increased for the long-term once we get back to normal.

Virtual or not, we have all been in our share of meetings that were good, productive meetings and meetings that were a waste of time for all involved. So, ensuring that you can effectively conduct a meeting is critical in business continuity during these times.  

How To Disinfect Your Office Equipment and Protect Your Employees

Office equipment is one of the most commonly used tools in a bustling office environment. Yet, while most offices have the carpets vacuumed and the toilets scrubbed each day, copiers and printers are usually an afterthought for disinfection. That’s because office equipment typically only gets cleaned when it’s serviced by a technician, or a dust bunny shows up in a paper tray.

Add that to the facts that on average we touch our faces 15.7 times per hour and that the Coronavirus is pretty resilient on hard surfaces (up to nine hours, maybe even days) and you might be thinking that you need to deep clean your office ASAP before anyone returns to your office. 

Better to be safe than sorry, copiers, printers, keypads, keyboards and mouses alike (hard surfaces that are frequently touched) should all be disinfected for the best chance at flattening the COVID-19 infection rate curve.

Savvy Solutions: eCopy PDF Pro Office Software

Looking for a smart new way to manage, convert, and search through your scanned files, all without breaking the bank? You're in the right place--eCopy Software like PDF Pro Office can provide all the solutions you'll ever want. Here's everything you need to know!

What is PDF Pro Office?

When it comes to organizing and managing your files, there's nothing more effective than eCopy software. With a wide variety of tools and solutions, eCopy might just become your company's new best friend.

3 Big Reasons to Invest in Office Equipment Maintenance

You need your office equipment to run smoothly and operate whenever you need it to. Investing in the right equipment is the first step, but next is figuring out how to get the best service and maintenance agreement to work for your company and your equipment.

Printer and copier service is not something to ignore. If you let machines go downhill, pretty soon, you are losing money on efficiency, employee productivity, and your investment. Keeping up with the necessary maintenance can do wonders for your return on investment, and working with a reliable team is key to getting the most out of your maintenance agreement.

Printer and Copier Maintenance is Operations Critical

That's right - your business can't run without working equipment to support employees, clients, and communications.

Will Managed Print Services Build Your Business?

You've heard about managed print service, but maybe you are still wondering if it's right for your business or how it can help you build your company to be bigger, better, and everything you've been dreaming of.

Print management can help more than you think - the service creates a functional print system so that your company is saving money, operating effectively, and spending wisely. Managed print services are right for you. Here's what you need to know.

The Secret of Managed Print

Managed print is a service that consolidates office printers, print oversight, supply ordering, and print data into one outsourced program. Then, you don't have to wonder how much you're spending on print, scramble to find data, or reverse incorrect supply orders.

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