We offer In-House Leasing Options!
How does it work?
Duplicating Products can provide single-source, all-inclusive support for our customers! We handle all service, supplies, finance and support you need so you never have to deal with any 3rd party unknown leasing company.
What are the benefits?
- NO lease increase throughout the term of your lease.
- NO service increase throughout the term of your lease.
- NO property taxes. (Typically, 1.5% per year with 3rd party leasing)
- NO cost to ship the product back at the end of your lease
- NO 3rd party to put you on hold if there is an issue
- NO automatic renewal clauses
- NO excessive late fees. LOW one-time $40 documentation fee (Typically, $200-$350 with 3rd party companies)
- NO insurance costs (Average is around one fourth % each month for the entire asset value)
- Discount on maintenance rates when you bundle with DPI Leasing (Typically, 5% - 10% discount on B/W and color)